The main purpose of this book is to teach students that there is more to an item than its name and this aids in achieving future language goals such as describing.

It is an advanced type of listener responding behavior where a student is asked to identify an object by its associated characteristic. For example, a student may be asked to identify an object when given a part of it (feature), a purpose/action (function), or its category (class).

This book includes 10 pages each having 3 objects/items and its feature, function and class (category).

Once the students have finished sorting by its feature, function and class. Another way is to ask the following question

Receptive FFC
Show me something you can “sleep on” – student touches the “bed”–Function
Point  something that is “red” – Student points the “apple” – Feature. 

Point something that is a “flower”- Student points the “rose”- Class

Expressive FFC (Labelling whilst items/ pictures are present)

“TELL ME  something that you DRINK WITH?” – “CUP” – Function
TELL something that HAS MANY PAPERS/PAGES–  BOOK Feature
“Tell me which items are toys” – “ball, teddy bear” – Class



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